Submit a quote for approval

In an agent portal, following API flow to submit a quote for approval applies to most implementations:

Process to issue a policy.

Start a Quote

The process required to start a quote includes the agent initiating a new quote and selecting the product, and then the API is called to create a quote, access the quote, and load the details required to start the quote.

Process to start a quote.

The complete URL of the application is available in the Location header of the POST /applications API response. The URL of the application includes the systemId.

Enter Quote Details

The process required to enter quote details is an iterative process where the user enters quote details on various tabs or pages, resolves any errors, and then has the opportunity to apply for the policy.

Process to enter quote details.
Each time the portal loads or saves the quote as part of a step or similar action, the portal submits a PUT request with the latest revision number.
Note: To save the quote, the revision number is required.

Buy the Policy

The process required to buy a policy includes API requests to convert the quote to an application, apply data report results, list the payment plans, and update the application with payment detail.
Note: The results of the data reports may trigger a recalculation of premium.
Process to submit payment for the policy.

Issue Policy or Submit for Approval

The process to issue a policy includes either an API request to issue the policy or submit it for underwriting approval, if there are unresolved approval issues.

Process to issue the policy or submit it for approval.