Agent Portal authentication
Oauth is an authorization framework that enables the Agent portal to obtain limited access to an HTTP service.
Before you begin
You need to configure the public and private keys paths in the
jwt-settings.xml for your local development workspace and for each of your planets.
<JWTSettings> <Param Name="TokenIssuer" Value= "Guidewire Software Inc." /> <Param Name= "PublicKeyPath" Value= "${SPI.getPrefsDir()}mda/jwt/public.pem" /> <Param Name= "PrivateKeyPath" Value= "${SPI.getPrefsDir()}mda/jwt/private_pkcs8.der" /> <Param Name= "UserNameClaimMapping" Value= "sub" /> </JWTSettings>
Configure clients in web/APP-INF/mda/oauth/clients.xml. A client
must be configured for each client application using OAuth.
Option Description ClientId This must be set to some value which uniquely identifies the client. Note: Only public clients are supported.GrantTypes Comma separated list of grant types allowed for the client, including: - Authorization Code
- Implicit
AccessTokenExpirationTime Expiration time of the access token in minutes. When the token expires, the user will be forced to log in again to get a new token. Note: Refresh tokens are not supported.RedirectUris Comma separated list of allowed redurectuib URIs for the client. - The redirection endpoint URI must be an absolute URI as defined by [RFC3986] Section 4.3.
- The endpoint URI may include an "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" formatted
query component, which must be retained when adding additional query
- See Appendix B and [RFC3986] Section 3.4 for more details.
- The endpoint URI must not include a fragment component.