Resource access strategy files

Resource access strategies are defined in a set of resource access files. Each file is a YAML files whose name ends in access.yaml. For example, the internal_core-1.0.access.yaml file defines the base configuration resource access strategy for internal users. In Studio, access files are located in subdirectories of the Integration/authorization directory.

Types of access files

Broadly speaking, there are two types of access files: core and extension.

A core access file is an access file that defines one or more base configuration resource access strategies. Core access files either have core in the name, or are located in a package with core in the path.

Warning: If you need to configure the base configuration resource access behavior, Guidewire recommends that you consult the Guidewire Professional Services team before attempting to modify any extension access files.

An extension access file is an access file that provides a location for extensions to base configuration resource access strategy behavior. Extension access files either have ext in the name, or are located in a package with ext in the path.

Note: If you need to configure the base configuration resource access behavior, Guidewire recommends that you consult your Guidewire account manager before attempting to modify any extension access files.

A strategy is defined across multiple files

Every resource access strategy is defined in multiple files. In the base configuration, all of the files for a given resource access strategy start with the same name.

For example, the cc_contactAuthorizationIds resource access strategy is defined in the following files:

  • The core.shared.v1 package's contactAuthorizationIds_core-1.0.access.yaml
  • The ext.shared.v1 package's contactAuthorizationIds_ext-1.0.access.yaml (which references core.shared.v1.contactAuthorizationIds_core-1.0)