Architecture of localized text

API definition documentation that has been localized is defined in a set of "" files.

Location of files

For a given InsuranceSuite application, the "" files are stored in the /modules/configuration/config/locale directory.

  • There is one default file named
    • This file contains schema information in English.
  • There is one file for each locale. Each file contains schema information for that locale. For example:
    • The file contains schema information in French.
    • The file contains schema information in Spanish (for Latin American locales).
    • The file contains schema information in Spanish (for Spain).

In a given situation, if the locale is not English but the given display value cannot be found for the desired locale, the value in the default is used. If for some reason the value cannot be found in the default either, the text from the corresponding schema file property is used. For example, if localized text for an API title cannot be found in any schema.display file, the value of the schema file's title property is used.

The files can be viewed in Studio by accessing the config > Localizations > Resource Bundle 'schema.display' node.

Note that the base configuration does provide files for several locales, but these files may not be complete. Before using them in a production environment, Guidewire recommends reviewing the contents to verify completeness and correctness of the translations. keys

Every schema localization file contains a series of key/value pairs. For example: = 
The type of this activity, such as `general` or `approval`

The key is the text that comes before the "=". It defines a piece of localizeable text in a locale-generic way. Keys for schema information are written in the following way:

  • Keys for values defined in a schema.json file start with json.
  • Keys for values defined in a swagger.yaml file start with swagger.
  • The remainder is a dot-notation string that follows a specific pattern to identify the corresponding schema component, such as "".

Each key must adhere to a specific pattern in order to be associated with the correct schema element. In most cases, the pattern for the key corresponds to the path to the localized property within the schema file. But there are additional nuances to the patterns. For more information, see Associating display keys with API elements.

Note: Display keys used in an InsuranceSuite user interface have key values that are arbitrary. You can define a key any way you desire, provided that any user interface element using the key references the same value. Display keys for API definition documentation do not behave this way. The key must adhere to a specific pattern to be associated with the correct aspect of the API definition. values

The value is the localized text to use for that key when the user is working in the given locale. For example, suppose the key/value pair for the description of an Address is as follows:

json.common.v1.definitions.Address.description = An `Address` represents a postal address. The
fields available on an `Address` will depend upon the `country` value for the `Address`.

If a key must be shown in multiple languages, then it is defined in each locale-specific file as needed. The key remains constant across all files. Only the value varies.

For example, the following key/value pairs come from the default file: = The CEDEX bureau of the address. 
Only applicable in certain countries.

The following key/value pairs come from the base configuration file: = Bureau CEDEX de l'adresse. 
Applicable uniquement dans certains pays.

Determining which value to use

Cloud API returns API definition documentation through:

  • The /openapi.json and /swagger.json endpoints in each API.
  • The schemas returned by the Cloud API-specific /job/v1/graph-schema, /claim/v1/graph-schema, /billing/v1/graph-schema, and /common/v1/entity-schemas endpoints.

When calling these endpoints, the request object can include a GW-Language header set to a given language, such as "fr_FR". For more information on this header, see the Cloud API Consumer Guide.

When the GW-Language header is present, Cloud API attempts to return API definition documentation in the request language. For each piece of documentation, a localized value is returned if all of the following are true:

  • There is a file for that language.
  • The file defines a value for the corresponding key.

In all other circumstances, a default value is used. The value defined in the default file is used, if it exists. If it does not exist, the corresponding value from the schema definition file itself is used.

For example, suppose an InsuranceSuite application has an Address schema that includes properties for addressLine1, arrondissement, and CEDEX. The following information exists in each of the following files:

The schema definition file

"Address": {
  "properties": {
    "addressLine1": {
      "description": "The first line of the address",
      "type": "string",
    "arrondissement_Ext": {
      "description": "The administrative district of the address. Used in certain large 
                      French cities, in particular Paris.",
      "type": "string",
    "CEDEX": {
      "description": "The CEDEX bureau of the address. Only applicable in certain countries.",
      "type": "string",

The file = The first line of the 
address, such as "123 Main Street" = The CEDEX bureau of the 
address. Only applicable in certain countries.

The file: = Bureau CEDEX de l'adresse. 
Applicable uniquement dans certains pays.

Now, suppose a caller requests schema information in French for the following keys:


Cloud API returns the following values:

  • First key
    • Return value: "Bureau CEDEX de l'adresse. Applicable uniquement dans certains pays."
    • Reason: There is a schema, file for French and the file defines this key.
  • Second key
    • Return value: "The first line of the address, such as "123 Main Street"
    • Reason: Even though there is a schema, file for French, the file does not define this key. However, the key is defined in the default schema, file.
  • Third key
    • Return value: "The administrative district of the address. Used in certain large French cities, in particular Paris."
    • Reason: The key is not defined in either the locale-specific schema, file or the default schema, file. Therefore, the value of the description property in the schema definition is returned.