Modifying existing service requests

Use the following endpoints to modify a service request without advancing it through its lifecycle.

PATCHing service requests

To PATCH a service request, use:

  • PATCH /claims/{claimId}/service-requests/{serviceRequestId}

You cannot PATCH any field in the base configuration, as all of them can be set during creation only. But, if your instance includes extension fields on ServiceRequest or a related entity, you could use this endpoint to update those fields.

Specifying the reason for change

In ClaimCenter, the ServiceRequest entity has a History array which contains a set of ServiceRequestChange instances. The ServiceRequestChange entity has a Description field, which is used to capture the reason for the change.

Whenever a service request is modified through a PATCH, the Description field is set using the following display key:

Rest.Claim.V1.ServiceRequest.PropertiesChanged = Service request values changed\: {0}

The {0} placeholder is populated with a list of the schema properties that have been changed. You can configure the value of the Description field by modifying this display key.

Assigning service requests to users

Every service request is assigned to a group and a user in that group. This user has the primary responsible for managing the service request.

When you create a service request through the system APIs, ClaimCenter automatically executes the service request assignment rules to initially assign the service request to a group and user. You can use the POST /claims/{claimId}/service-requests/{serviceRequestId}/assign endpoint to reassign the service request as needed.

Note: The functionality for assigning service requests is a subset of the functionality for assigning activities. All assignment options that are applicable to both activities and service requests have the same behavior.

Assignment options

A service request can be assigned through the system APIs in the following ways:

  • To a specific group and user in that group
  • To a specific group only (and then ClaimCenter uses assignment rules to select a user in that group)
  • To the claim owner
  • By re-running the service request assignment rules
    • This can be appropriate if you have modified the service request since the last time assignment rules were run and the modification might affect who the service request would be assigned to.

The root resource for the /{serviceRequestId}/assign endpoint is ServiceRequestAssignee. This resource specifies assignment criteria. The ServiceRequestAssignee schema has the following fields:

Field Type Description
autoAssign Boolean Whether to assign the service request using assignment rules
claimOwner Boolean Whether to assign the service request to the claim owner
groupId string The ID of the group to assign the service request to
userId string The ID of the user to assign the service request to

The Assignee resource cannot be empty. It must specify a single assignment option (group and user, group only, claim owner, or automatic assignment).

For more information on how assignment rules execute assignment, see the Gosu Rules.

Assignment example - Assigning to a specific group (and user)

The following assigns service request cc:102 (from claim demo_sample:20) to group demo_sample:31 (Auto1 - TeamA) and user demo_sample:2 (Sue Smith).

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:20/service-requests/cc:102/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes" : {
      "groupId" : "demo_sample:31",
      "userId" : "demo_sample:2"

The following assigns service request cc:102 (from claim demo_sample:20) to group demo_sample:31 (Auto1 - TeamA). Because no user has been specified, ClaimCenter will execute assignment rules to assign the service request to a user in group demo-sample:31.

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:20/service-requests/cc:102/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes" : {
      "groupId": "demo_sample:31"

Note that there is currently no endpoint that returns groups or group IDs. To assign service requests to a specific group, the caller application must determine the group ID using some method other than a groups system API.

Assignment example - Assigning to the claim owner

The following assigns service request cc:102 (from claim demo_sample:20) to the group and user that owns the parent claim (demo_sample:20).

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:20/service-requests/cc:102/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes" : {
        "claimOwner" : true

Assignment example - Using automated assignment

The following assigns service request cc:102 (from claim demo_sample:20) using automated assignment rules.

POST /claim/v1/claims/demo_sample:20/service-requests/cc:102/assign

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
        "autoAssign" : true