The REST endpoint generator

The REST endpoint generator is a tool that insurers can use to create a set of generated endpoints for a data model entity that does not have endpoints. This could be either a custom entity, or a base configuration entity for which there are no endpoints. The tool generates a series of files that define the majority of the functionality for the endpoints. However, the insurer must complete some additional configuration.

REST endpoint generator overview

Insurers typically extend the data model of an InsuranceSuite application with new entities specific to their business model. These data model entities are referred to as custom entities.

There may also be entities in the base configuration which have no endpoints, but the insurer wants to expose information in these entities to Cloud API.

Insurers may want to expose these entities to Cloud API so that caller applications can:

  • Retrieve data stored in these entities.
  • Create new instances of these entities.
  • Modify or delete these entities as needed.

To address this need, Cloud API includes a REST endpoint generator. The REST endpoint generator is a tool that generates a set of CRUD endpoints for an entity that does not have endpoints.

Architecture of CRUD endpoints

CRUD endpoints is a term that refers to the endpoints that let you GET a collection of a given resource type and that let you GET, POST, PATCH, or DELETE an element of that resource type. The term "CRUD" is an acronym for Create Read Update Delete.

High-level architecture

The following diagram depicts the high-level architecture of a set of CRUD endpoints within Cloud API. These endpoints are for a custom entity whose name is CustomEntity_Ext. (Most of the time, endpoints are generated for custom entities. This is why the examples below feature CustomEntity_Ext. However, it is also possible to generate endpoints for base configuration entities that do not yet have endpoints.)

There are five CRUD endpoints, but they do not all interact with the same type of resource.

  • The first two CRUD endpoints are for GET (for a collection) and POST. These endpoints interact with a collection resource whose name is customEntitiesExt. (Note that the resource name uses a plural term.)
  • The final three CRUD endpoints are for GET (for a specific element), PATCH, and DELETE. These endpoints interact with an element resource whose name is customEntityExt. (Note that the resource name uses a singular term.
The components of the architecture map to each other in the following ways:
  • The collection resource (customEntitiesExt) makes use of the element resource.
  • The element resource (customEntityExt) maps to the data model entity.
  • The data model entity (CustomEntity_Ext) is used to retrieve data from and send data to the database.

Files that define the architecture

The CRUD endpoint architecture is defined in a series of files, as depicted in the following diagram.

The swagger file defines the endpoints themselves (the paths, operations, and associated resources).

The schema file defines the schema used by the element and collection resources.

The mapping file defines how information is mapped from the data model entity to the element resource. This information is used for GETs, and for the responses of POSTs and PATCHes.

The updater file defines how information is mapped from the element resource to the data model entity. This information is used for POSTs and PATCHes.

The eti file defines the data model entity.

There are also a series of files that define logic for how the endpoints interact with the application.

  • The apiconfig file is a "glue" file. One of its purposes is to map both the element resource and collection resource to corresponding "Resource" Gosu files. For collection resources, this file can also specify a default sort order.
  • There are two "impl" files that define implementation details.
    • The <collection> file is a Gosu file that defines required behaviors for working with collections. This includes behaviors such as how to retrieve the collection from the database.
    • The <element> file is a Gosu file that defines required behaviors for working with elements. This includes behaviors such as how to initialize a new element.
  • There are two sets of "auth" files that define authorization.
    • There are one or more role.yaml files that define endpoint access for callers of the endpoints.
    • There are a set of access.yaml files that define resource access for callers of the endpoints.

Architecture and the REST endpoint generator

When you run the REST endpoint generator for a given entity, the tool creates or modifies the files needed to support CRUD endpoints for the entity. The following diagram summarizes the files that are created or modified when running the tool for an entity whose name is CustomEntity_Ext.

Note the following conventions:

  • <API> refers to the name of the API in which the endpoints have been placed.
  • The data model entity file (CustomEntity_Ext.eti) appears in orange because it is not created or modified by the REST endpoint generator. It must exist before the generator is run.
  • The swagger file (<API>_ext-1.0.swagger.yaml) appears in brown because it is modified by the REST endpoint generator, but further configuration is not required.
  • The remaining files, which appear in blue, are created or modified by the REST endpoint generator. Further configuration to these files is either required or recommended.

REST endpoint generator restrictions

The REST endpoint generator can be used only on entities that do not yet have endpoints. This includes:

  • Custom entities for which you have not yet generated endpoints
  • Base configuration entities that do not have endpoints in the base configuration

Note that, for some base configuration entities without endpoints, the REST endpoint generator will prevent you from generating endpoints.

When generating resources, if the entity does not have an "_Ext" suffix, the REST endpoint generator appends an "Ext" or "ext" suffix to the name of the resource in file names and file contents. This is done for both custom entities and base configuration entities without endpoints. It is done to prevent conflicts between insurer configurations and future enhancements of Cloud API.

The REST endpoint generator generates CRUD endpoints only. It cannot be used to create business action POSTs, such as an /assign or /submit endpoint.

Process for generating CRUD endpoints for an entity

To generate CRUD endpoints for an entity, you must do the following:

  1. Run the REST endpoint generator
    • Initially, the tool provides a series of prompts. The answers determine how the endpoints are defined.
    • Once all prompts have been answered, the tool generates and modifies files as needed. To help identify where configuration is needed, the tool adds "TODO RestEndpointGenerator" comments to files needing configuration.
  2. Configure the files that define the resource. This includes:
    1. Optionally the swagger file
    2. The schema file
    3. The mapping file
    4. The updater file
  3. Configure the glue and impl Gosu files. This includes:
    1. The apiconfig.yaml file.
    2. The element Resource file.
    3. The collection Resource file.
  4. Configure the authorization files. This includes:
    1. The associated role.yaml files.
    2. The associated access.yaml files.
The following topics describe each of these steps in detail.

Special use cases

Base configuration entities

in most cases, you can generate endpoints for base configuration entities that do not have endpoints. In this case, there are some minor differences in the REST endpoint generator behavior. For more information, see Base configuration entities.

Subtyped entities

You can generate endpoints for a custom entity with subtypes. When you do, you can choose either "shared" or "separate" endpoints.

  • You can generate "shared" endpoints, which may be appropriate when the majority of the information is declared at the supertype level. In this case, the resource has the supertype fields and the subtype fields from each subtype.
  • You can generate "separate" endpoints, which may be appropriate when there is a sufficient amount of information at each subtype level. In this case, the resource has only the supertype fields. Subtype fields are omitted. To access information at the subtype level, you must re-run the REST endpoint generator for each subtype.

For information on generating endpoints for subtyped entities, see Additional considerations for generated endpoints.

Root resources

In most cases, when you generate endpoints for a custom entity, the custom entity is child to some existing parent entity. You access the associated REST resource through that parent resource.

For example, suppose you have a custom entity named CustomEntity_Ext. It is a child of the existing Activity entity. Information about CustomEntity_Ext instances are accessed through the parent Activity. In this case, the endpoints have this structure:

  • GET /common/v1/activities/{activityId}/custom-entity-ext
  • GET /common/v1/activities/{activityId}/custom-entity-ext/{CustomEntityExtID}

However, it is possible to generate endpoints for a custom entity as a root resource. In this case, you access the associated REST resource directly.

For example, suppose you have a custom entity named CustomEntity_Ext. The endpoints are generated with the associated resource being a root resource. In this case, the endpoints have this structure:

  • GET /common/v1/custom-entity-ext
  • GET /common/v1/custom-entity-ext/{CustomEntityExtID}

For more information on generating endpoints for root resources, see Additional considerations for generated endpoints.