Localization key prefixes

If a schema.json file or swagger.yaml file contains API definition documentation that must be localized, the file must include an x-gw-localizationKeyPrefix property. This property defines a prefix used to map display keys to properties in that file.


In the base configuration, the convention for the localization key prefix is to name it <APIname>.<majorVersion>. For example: common.v1.

To add a localization key prefix to a schema.json file, use:

"x-gw-localizationKeyPrefix": "<localizationKeyPrefix>"

For example, in the base configuration, the common_pl-1.0.schema.json files includes the following:

"x-gw-localizationKeyPrefix": "common.v1"

To add a localization key prefix to a swagger.yaml file, use:

x-gw-localizationKeyPrefix: <localizationKeyPrefix>

For example, in the base configuration, the common_pl-1.0.swagger.yaml files includes the following:

x-gw-localizationKeyPrefix: common.v1