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About Jutro Web Apps

Jutro Web Apps is a management application served as part of Guidewire Home. It is your starting point to create Jutro apps from starting templates. It is also used to delete Jutro apps and general application management.

Jutro apps are web applications created with the Jutro frontend framework. They are then deployed to content delivery networks (CDNs).

Jutro Web Apps is part of Jutro Digital Platform. The following image shows you what the tenant view looks like when you log in to the Jutro Web Apps page.

Jutro Web Apps Screenshot

Understanding the Jutro Web Apps tenant view

The tenant view shows all apps created by users within that tenant. Each app displays in its own card, showing details about that particular app.

On each card, you can see the app name, and, on the top right, you can select More actions see the following actions:

  • View app details
  • Visit BitBucket (to see the app's source code page)
  • Visit TeamCity (to go to the build management page)
  • Open deployments
  • Clone app

The card also contains name of the template used to create the app. The Update available message displays if there is an update for the app.

There is a Search field at the top of the page, and you can also use Filters to filter what apps display.

Jutro Web Apps Filters

You can filter by:

  • Star systems
  • The template that apps use
  • Creators of the apps
  • The creation date of the app

At the top of the page, you can also see buttons for metrics relating to your app. When selected, the relevant information displays in a side-loading panel.

Jutro Web Apps Metrics

The first metric details the available updates to apps deployed in your tenant. The second is a Limits metric, select this to see the number of apps created in your tenant. This also displays the number of URLs that exist and the limit of URLs in your tenant.

The information on these limits breaks down into Prod, Pre-prod, and Development environments.

Marking an app as a favorite

As you create more and more apps, you will find yourself with a large number to sort through in the tenant view. To make it easier to sort out, you can mark apps as favorites.

  1. Log into Guidewire Home and navigate to Jutro Web Apps.
  2. In the top left corner of the app card you want to mark as favorite, select the star symbol.
  3. At the top of the page, next to Filters, select the star symbol to display only the apps that you have marked as favorites.

Jutro Web Apps favorites

Accessing Jutro Web Apps

You must have access to the Jutro Web Apps tile in Guidewire Home.

Guidewire Home Page

To get access, you must submit a Cloud Ticket. This is to configure your tenant roles in the correct way. You can find directions for this in Accessing Jutro Web Apps.

After that, you can get to Jutro Web Apps from the Guidewire Home page.

Provisioning and managing Jutro apps

The landing page shows a list of existing applications.

From this page, you can click on the Create a new Jutro app button to navigate to a form.

This form provisions a new application when you submit it. Then you get sent back to the list of applications.

For more details, see Creating an app from a template.

Using Jutro Web Apps in Trial mode

As a Guidewire Cloud Platform customer, you have free access to Jutro Web Apps in Trial mode.

In this environment, you can gain first-hand experience of the power and effectiveness of the Jutro Digital Platform. You can create, build, and deploy P&C Jutro apps to the Guidewire Cloud Platform.

All this is available without a subscription to the Jutro Digital Platform.

There is no time limit on using Trial mode, but there are restrictions. You can only deploy Jutro apps to the Development environment. To access Pre-prod and Prod, you need a full subscription.

JWA featureTrial modeFull version
App creationYesYes
Deployments in NPEYesYes
Quick start app templatesYesYes
Mutable/immutable deploymentsYesYes
Public promotions to Pre-prodNoYes
Private promotions to Pre-prodNoYes
Public promotions to ProdNoYes
Private promotions to ProdNoYes
Custom domainsNoYes

You can learn more about Jutro application development, including release notes, here.

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Published: March 14, 2025 at 9:47 AM

© 2025 Guidewire Software, Inc.