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Debugging tests

Running tests in VS Code

There are several ways to run tests in VS Code, all described in their Node.js debugging guide.

We recommend you try the following approach.

Enable auto-attach

This is a one-time action.

  1. In VS Code, press Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd+Shift+P) to open the Command Palette.
  2. Find an option called Debug: Auto Attach and select it.
  3. A menu pops up. Select Smart. This will enable VS Code to automatically attach to Node.js processes launched in debug mode.

Debug a test

If this is your first time debugging in an app folder, you may see the screenshot below and not the "green arrow" to start debugging. Click Show all automatic debug configurations and select "Node.js". Then you can see the list of scripts to run from package.json.

JavaScript Debug Terminal screenshot

After you run once, you can find the Javascript Debug Terminal in the terminal view when creating a new terminal.

  1. Open a test file and set a breakpoint.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+D (Cmd+Shift+D) to open the Debug view.
  3. Click the down arrow next to the green play button and select Node.js. You get a list of all scripts available in your package.json file.
  4. Select Run Script: test.
  5. Press the green play button.

This runs Jest in debug mode. The debugger stops at the breakpoint you added.

Run only one test file


You need to modify this configuration every time you want to run a different test file.

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+D (Cmd+Shift+D) to open the Debug view.

  2. Click the down arrow next to the green play button and select Node.js. You get a list of all scripts available in your package.json file.

  3. Select Run Script: test. This selects the test in the Debug view.

  4. Select the cog icon. This adds the test configuration to launch.json.

    "type": "node-terminal",
    "name": "Run Script: test",
    "request": "launch",
    "command": "npm run test",
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}"
  5. Modify the line which says "command": "npm run test", to say

    "command": "npm run test -- ${workspaceFolder}/src/pages/Welcome/__tests__/Welcome.test.js --watch",

    where ${workspaceFolder}/src/pages/Welcome/__tests__/Welcome.test.js is the path to your test file.

    The --watch option enables watch mode. This means that Jest re-runs the test every time you save the file.


    In case the npm run test command doesn’t trigger the breakpoints for you, try using jutro app:tests instead.

  6. Press the green play button.

Run only one test


You need to modify this configuration every time you want to run a different test file.

To run only one test, use the -testNamePattern (or -t) option.

  1. Prepare a debug config as described in the previous section.
  2. Modify the line which says "command": "npm run test", to say
    "command": "npm run test -- -t 'Welcome Page render Welcome page main image'",

In this example we are running only one test called render Welcome page main image but this test's it is within a describe directive called Welcome Page. So, our -t argument follows the pattern:

"command": "npm run test -- -t '<describeString> <itString>'",

Running tests from IntelliJ Idea

To run tests from IntelliJ Idea:

  1. Right-click a test file and select a run option. IntelliJ creates a build configuration.
  2. In the build configuration options change:
    • Jest package to node_modules/@jutro/cli-platform
    • Jest options to app:tests

Your options should look similar to the following:

a screenshot of IntelliJ config for tests

Finding the string ID of a translation

It may be difficult to figure out the string ID of a message displayed in the application. To simplify translation-independent testing, there are 2 options to display string IDs instead of actual translations:

  • query parameter displayStringId
  • environment variable DEV_DISPLAY_STRING_ID=true (requires application restart)

Query param displayStringId in action

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Published: March 19, 2025 at 9:30 AM

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