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Integration Data Manager

Succeed Insurance needs to be able to store data from third-party integrations so the data can be displayed to their InsuranceSuite users.

Learning Objective

The learning objective for this module is to explain the basic functionality of Integration Data Manager.


Integration Data Manager is a JSON document storage service which makes it convenient to store third-party data for use with InsuranceSuite. With Integration Data Manager, InsuranceSuite developers can easily store data from third-party integrations for a display to users or use in business rules associated with claims/policies/accounts but without extending the core System of Record (SOR) data model directly. This helps maintain a separation between SOR and non-SOR data. Storing the data with Integration Data Manager enables a streamlined user experience without the need to log into multiple systems (or dynamically retrieve it) to access the data. This new approach simplifies the core system configuration to ease updates, speeds up application performance, and improves data governance.

A use case for Integration Data Manager is to store enrichment information related to claims, policies, buildings, people, and so on.

Integration Data Manager is a multi-tenant immutable json document storage service. Documents are associated with a schema which can optionally enforce that the document matches the schema format. The schemas can be versioned and are grouped together in pools. Pools are used as a business level grouping of the documents.


The key features for Integration Data Manager are:

  • Pool- and schema-level configuration lifecycle is handled with worksets.

  • Document accessibility available within all applications of the same project. Documents are partitioned by tenant, project, and environment while pool and schema information is accessible across environments within the same tenant and project.

  • Document data is not meant to be editable. Only for storage, retrieval, and removal.

  • Automatic document removal with configurable TTL.

  • Integration Data Manager Java client available in InsuranceSuite.

  • Integration Data Manager component available for Integration Gateway.

  • Integration Data Manager API available for integration.

  • Self-service for granting and revoking access to a pool.

Integration Data Manager is administered through GCH.

Additional information

There is a course that provides more detail on Integration Data Manager and lets you get hands-on experience with them. It is part of the current Insurance Suite Cloud Integration track.
