Specifying modifiers

Creating modifiers

When a line or modifiable object is created, a set of modifier objects are automatically created. Thus, there are no POST /modifiers or DELETE /modifiers endpoints.

You cannot specify defaults in the product definition. Modifiers may or may not have default values:

  • For Boolean modifiers, PolicyCenter defaults them to false.
  • For schedule rate modifiers, PolicyCenter defaults the rateOverride to $0.
  • For all other modifiers, there are no default values.

Modifier values are always expressed as one of the following datatypes: Boolean, date, rate (decimal), or typekey. They are attached either to the line itself (such as a MultiPolicyDiscount modifier) or to a specific object, such as a vehicle (such as an AntiLockBreaks discount modifier).

Retrieving modifiers and their values

Use the following endpoints to retrieve all modifiers and their values.

Type of modifiers Endpoint
Line-level modifiers

GET /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/modifiers

GET /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/modifiers/{modifierId}

Object-level modifiers

GET /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/{objectName}/{objectNameId}/modifiers

GET /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/{objectName}/{objectNameId}/modifiers/{modifierId}

The following is the syntax for the fundamental attributes of a modifier:

    "attributes": {
      "id": "PAMultiPolicyDiscount",
      "modifierType": {
        "code": "<modifierTypeCode>"
      "booleanModifier": <value>,
      "dateModifier": "<value">,
      "rateModifier": "<value>",
      "typekeyModifier": {
        "code": "<value>"

For any given modifier, the id and modifierType are always included in the response. If the modifier has been set to a value, then the corresponding ...Modifier property is also included. If the modifier is a typekey modifier, the typelist that defines its values is specified in the product definition. If the modifier has not been set, the response has no ...Modifier property.

Note that even though the Modifier schema has multiple ...Modifier fields, for a given Modifier only one of them will have a value. The other ...Modifier fields will be null.

For example, the following is the modifiers for a Personal Auto vehicle. Note the following:

  • The first modifier is a Boolean modifier and has been set to false.
  • The second modifier is a typekey modifier and has been set to alarmonly. (Based on the product definition, this modifier uses the AntiTheftType typelist.)
  • The third modifier is also a typekey modifier, but its value has not been set.
            "attributes": {
                "id": "PAAntiLockBrakes",
                "modifierType": {
                    "code": "boolean"
                "booleanModifier": false,
            "attributes": {
                "id": "PAAntiTheft",
                "modifierType": {
                    "code": "typekey"
                "typekeyModifier": {
                    "code": "alarmonly"
            "attributes": {
                "id": "PAPassiveRestraint",
                "modifierType": {
                    "code": "typekey",
                    "name": "typekey"

Specifying modifier values

To specify a value for a modifier, use the following endpoints.

Type of modifiers Endpoint
Line-level modifiers PATCH /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/modifiers/{modifierId}
Object-level modifiers PATCH /jobs/{jobId}/lines/{lineId}/{objectName}/{objectNameId}/modifiers/{modifierId}

For example, the following call sets the value of the PAPassiveRestraint modifier on vehicle 505 to "Driver Side Only" (code driver from the PassiveRestraintType typelist).

PATCH /job/v1/jobs/pc:1111/lines/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/505/modifiers/ PAPassiveRestraint

  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "typekeyModifier": {
        "code": "driver"