View and delete notes

In an agent portal, you can call APIs to list and delete notes.

Viewing all notes on a policy
To view a list of notes for a specific policy, call the following API:
GET /policies/systemId/notes
Viewing a specific policy note
To view a specific policy note, call the following API:
GET /policies​/systemId​/notes​/noteId
Deleting a policy notes
To delete a policy note, call the following API:
DELETE /policies​/systemId​/notes​/noteId
Viewing all notes on an application
To view a list of notes for a specific application, call the following API:
GET /applications/systemId/notes
Viewing a specific application note
To view a specific application note, call the following API:
GET ​/applications​/systemId/notes​/noteId
Deleting an application note
To delete an application note, call the following API:
DELETE ​/applications​/systemId​/notes​/noteId