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To use the Repository Settings API, you need to authenticate with an access token:

  • For user-service interactions, copy your user access token directly from a given application in Guidewire Home or Cloud Console.
  • For service-to-service interactions, use your client credentials to get a token with specific scopes.

User access token

To authenticate with a user access token, you must be in the {tenant}.dev.{project}.all.gcc.ciconfigmanagers user group.


An access token expires after 60 minutes.

You can get an access token directly from Guidewire Home or Cloud Console:

  1. Log in to Guidewire Home or Cloud Console.

    In Guidewire Home, from Apps, select Repository Settings or select it from your pinned apps.

  2. Select your profile.

  3. Select Copy access token.

    This action copies an access token to your clipboard.

    Copy an access token in Cloud Console.

Access token with scopes

The Repository Settings API supports the following scopes:

scms.repositories.readList all active repositories in a star system.
scms.branchutils.readGet branch configuration for a repository.
scms.branchutils.writeModify branch configuration for a repository.
scms.defaultreviewers.readList all conditions configured for a repository.
scms.defaultreviewers.writeCreate, update, and delete conditions.
scms.mergechecks.readGet a merge check configuration.
scms.mergechecks.writeUpdate and remove merge check configuration.
scms.branchpermissions.readList all branch restrictions for a repository.
scms.branchpermissions.writeCreate, update, and delete branch restrictions.

To get an access token with scopes, you must authenticate with Guidewire Hub using your client ID and client secret.

Send the following POST request:

curl -s --location --request POST $GWHUB_URL \
--data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials" \
--data-urlencode " tenant.{tenantId} project.{projectId}" \
--data-urlencode "client_id=$GWHUB_CLIENT_ID" \
--data-urlencode "client_secret=$GWHUB_CLIENT_SECRET" | jq -r '.access_token'


  • GWHUB_URL depends on your region. Use one of the following:

  • scope must include tenant.{tenantId}, project.{projectId}, and at least one of the supported scopes.

The response contains a JSON object with the requested access token:

Example response
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 3600,
"access_token": "xxxxxxxx",
"scope": " tenant.{tenantId} project.{projectId}"

Make an authorized call

To authorize the API requests, add the obtained access token to an Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

For example:

curl -s --location --request GET "$REPOSITORY_SETTINGS_URL" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

Base URLs

Depending on your region, use one of the following base URLs:


When the documentation refers to {baseUrl}, replace it with the correct URL for your region.

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Published: February 25, 2025 at 2:29 PM

© 2025 Guidewire Software, Inc.