Drop-down lists in mind map

Drop-down lists let you choose an option from a predefined list of choices. You can add drop-down lists to risk objects and exposures. You can also add drop-down lists to clauses (coverages, conditions, and exclusions), to create option and package clause terms.

In the mind map, add a Drop-down list marker to the topic, and attach subtopics for each item in the list. For a risk or exposure field, all list items must be of Text type. For a clause term, if you use Number , Decimal , or Money type, the term is converted to text and imported as an option term. If you use Text type, the term becomes a typelist term.
Home Insurance product line with Home Type drop-down, Jurisdiction drop-down, and Valuables risk object with Home Type drop-down. Home Type drop-down on the product line has text items Cabin, Duplex, and Townhouse. Jurisdiction and the second occurrence of Home Type have no subtopics.

Coverage terms

You can use drop-down lists to model coverage terms.

See also

Use existing drop-down list or PolicyCenter typelist

You can create a drop-down list that gets its values from another drop-down list. This list can be:
  • A drop-down list defined in the current product. In the mind map above, Home Type on Valuables is an example. After you generate the Home Insurance product, Home Type becomes a typelist that other products can use.
  • One of the many PolicyCenter typelists. PolicyCenter includes general purpose typelists such as Country, Jurisdiction, and Currency. PolicyCenter also includes typelists defined in installed products. In the mind map above, Jurisdiction is an example of a general purpose typelist. You must, however, add the required typekey codes in APD, from the externally managed typelist, in order to use them in APD App rules.

To create a drop-down list that gets it values from another list, create a drop-down list topic with the name of the list. Do not add list items.