Integration Data Manager

Integration Data Manager (IDM) is a JSON document storage service for information developers. Integration Data Manager makes it easy to store third-party data for use with InsuranceSuite, and allows users to view this data or use it in business logic without having to change the InsuranceSuite data model. This process simplifies the InsuranceSuite configuration and makes it easier to perform upgrades.

Why is IDM needed?

It is common to enrich InsuranceSuite data with data from third-party systems: For example:

  • Information on a policyholder may be supplemented by a credit report from a credit agency.
  • Vehicle data may be enriched with external data about the vehicle's driver, prior accidents, and prior insurance policies.
  • A building may be enriched by a risk assessment which indicates natural hazards or the distance from a fire station. In both of these cases, an integration enriches a small amount of information from InsuranceSuite with data retrieved from a third-party system.

This information needs to be stored before it can be shown to the user. However, extending the InsuranceSuite data model for external data has disadvantages:

  • It complicates the core data model with non-system of record data.
  • Data model changes and associated Gosu can complicate upgrades.
  • It interleaves data managed by InsuranceSuite with data managed by a third-party system, which complicates data governance.

How is the IDM approach different?

IDM stores the third party data outside the InsuranceSuite data model. This helps maintain a separation between InsuranceSuite system-of-record data which is managed by InsuranceSuite, and non system-of-record data which is managed by an external system.

IDM enables a streamlined user experience for accessing data without the need to log into multiple systems or dynamically retrieve it from the external system. This approach simplifies the core system configuration, which then simplifies platform updates and improves data governance.

IDM is well suited for storing data from an external system which enriches claims, policies, buildings and people. Use cases include fraud scoring reports, credit score reports, building risk reports, police reports, credit reports, prefill data and car rental information.


  • Data pools can be created for different use cases. Each pool can have its own JSON schema and retention policy.
  • Integration Gateway Apps can be granted access to individual pools.
  • Pool and schema-level configuration lifecycle is managed by Guidewire Lifecycle Management (LCM).
  • Data isolation - documents can be shared across Integration Gateway Applications within the same project with appropriate permissions. Documents are partitioned by tenant, project, and environment while pool and schema information is accessible across environments within the same tenant and project.
  • Documents are protected against update (read-only), since InsuranceSuite is not the system of record. Data can be written, read and deleted but it cannot be edited.
  • A retention period can be specified for documents within a pool.
  • IDM clients are provided for InsuranceSuite and for Integration Gateway.
  • Integration Gateway access to pools is managed through a configuration user interface.
  • IDM can be used in conjunction with the Assessment API to associate assessment documents in IDM with core InsuranceSuite entities.