Overview of exposures, exclusions, and conditions

Exposures, exclusions, and conditions provide additional information about the policy.

  • An exposure defines additional information to help rate or process a coverage
  • An exclusion is a limit to a coverage that defines circumstances where the coverage does not apply
  • A condition is a contractual obligation of the insurance policy that is neither a coverage nor an exclusion.

Unlike coverables, coverages, modifiers, and questions, there is no data structure or behavior common to all exposures or to all exclusions or to all conditions. Each type of object has different implications for the legal extent of the policy or how it is rated. But from a technical perspective, they behave in a similar way.

LOB-endpoint pattern for exposures

For every exposure, there are endpoints to get a collection of exposures, and to create, get, modify, and delete an exposure element. These endpoints follow these patterns:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{exposureName}
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{exposureName}
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{exposureName}/{exposureId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{exposureName}/{exposureId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{exposureName}/{exposureId}

For example, in personal auto lines, information about vehicle drivers can change how the coverages are rated or processed. Thus, a vehicle has one or more driver exposures. For a personal auto line, the endpoints to work with drivers might be:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}/drivers
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/PersonalAutoLine/vehicles/{vehicleId}/drivers
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{vehicles}/{vehicleId}/drivers/{driverId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{vehicles}/{vehicleId}/drivers/{driverId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/{lineId}/{vehicles}/{vehicleId}/drivers/{driverId}

LOB-endpoint pattern for exclusions and conditions

Unlike exposures, exclusions and conditions do not have their own endpoints. They are included in the /coverages endpoint for the related coverage. For information on coverage endpoint patterns, see Overview of coverages.

For example, a commercial liability line could have the following:

  • A line-level "Underground Resources and Equipment" exclusion
  • A line-level "Use of Explosives Limitation" condition

For a commercial liability line, the endpoints to work with this exclusion and condition would be the same as the endpoint to work with the line-level coverages:

  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/CommercialLiabilityLine/coverages
  • POST /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/CommercialLiabilityLine/coverages
  • GET /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/CommercialLiabilityLine/coverages/{coverageId}
  • PATCH /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/CommercialLiabilityLine/coverages/{coverageId}
  • DELETE /jobs​/{jobId}​/lines​/CommercialLiabilityLine/coverages/{coverageId}