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System Tools API (1.6.0)

APIs for InsuranceSuite system tools

Starts the batch process

Starts the batch process. If the batch process was already running, no new process is started. The response will indicate whether a new process was actually started, based on whether the processId property is populated. (Since 1.5.0)

gw-resourceType: BatchProcess
gw-sinceVersion: 1.5.0
path Parameters
gw-sinceVersion: 1.5.0

The type of the batch process (Since 1.5.0)

query Parameters
Array of strings
gw-allowForCompositeApi: true

Allows the caller to specify the set of fields that should be included on the response. This can be used to limit the set of fields returned as well as to include optional fields that otherwise wouldn't normally be returned. The parameter is either of the form fields=<field list> or fields=<include>:<field list>, where <field list> consists of a comma-separated list of field or field set names. See the documentation for more information.

Request Body schema: application/json
object (BatchProcessStartData)


Request samples

Content type
  • "data": {

Response samples

Content type
  • "data": {